Welcome to MysqlRoles's documentation! ====================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: Run from Command line ===================== Initialize Central Database --------------------------- Use:: python -m MysqlRoles init rbac to initialize a server named rbac to use MysqlRoles. .. note:: The argument is optional, and defaults to Initialize Central Database --------------------------- Use:: python -m MysqlRoles update rbac db-1 to update a server named db-1 to match the central server named rbac. .. note:: The second argument is optional, and defaults to Seed Central Database --------------------------- Use:: python -m MysqlRoles seed rbac to seed the sample values given into a host named rbac. .. warning:: Do not use this command in any production environment. .. note:: The argument is optional, and defaults to Helper Tools ============ Ansible Playbook ---------------- I've created a basic playbook to use MysqlRoles:: # run_updates_msr.yml --- - hosts: rbac_central sudo: yes tasks: - name: ensure a stable MysqlRoles is installed pip: name: MysqlRoles version: 1.0.0 - name: initalize the central db command: python -m MysqlRoles init inventory_hostname_short - hosts: rbac_db_servers sudo: yes tasks: - name: ensure a stable MysqlRoles is installed pip: name: MysqlRoles version: 1.0.0 - name: run the update command: python -m MysqlRoles update arg1 inventory_hostname_short args: central: sys-p1 This file is located at usage_helpers/run_updates_msr.yml Chef ---- An example of a chef cookbook which would implement this is:: centralhost = "rbac" easy_install_package 'MysqlRoles' do action :install version :1.0.0 end # only on your central host execute 'run_init' do command "python -m MysqlRoles init #{centralhost}" end # on every host you want to manage execute 'run_updates' do command "python -m MysqlRoles update #{centralhost} node['hostname']" end This file is located at usage_helpers/run_updates_msr.rb Web UI ------ On the wishlist, but no progress so far. MysqlRoles package ================== MysqlRoles.RoleManage module ---------------------------- .. automodule:: MysqlRoles.RoleManage :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: MysqlRoles.RoleServ module -------------------------- .. automodule:: MysqlRoles.RoleServ :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: MysqlRoles.Run module --------------------- .. automodule:: MysqlRoles.Run :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`